Release Notes - .NET CME FAST Market Data Handler - Version
Please note: This is a maintence release of the current production CME FAST 1.6 implementation. The CME FAST 2.0 update is a seperate release. Both are CME AutoCert+ pre-certified, but seperate distributions.
- [NETCMEFAST-12] - Ability to specify different local network interfaces for primary (A) and backup (B) feeds.
- [NETCMEFAST-30] - Tags 5796, 5792 and 5791 should be added to CmeFastFixDialect.xml
- [NETCMEFAST-35] - Support SecurityDefinition (d) messages that are sent via the Incremental Refresh channels.
- [NETCMEFAST-36] - Exception that is thrown by user-suppled event handler should be reported explicitly.
New Feature
- [NETCMEFAST-32] - Handler.UseInstrumentReplayFeedA and Handler.UseInstrumentReplayFeedB configuration properties
- [NETCMEFAST-33] - Handler.UseSnapshotFeedA and Handler.UseSnapshotFeedB configuration properties
- [NETCMEFAST-37] - Standalone *.msi setup package
- [NETCMEFAST-43] - BookChangeType::Overlay should be supported
- [NETCMEFAST-44] - OrderBookUpdatedEventArgs.ReceivingTimestamp property
- [NETCMEFAST-45] - Access to the source FIX messages
Distribution downloads available upon request. Email