- [NETCMEFAST-411] - Version 2.20 of .NET.CME.FAST.Handler-net-4.5-x86 does not work.
- [NETCMEFAST-388] - Subchannel filtering doesn't work.
- [NETCMEFAST-394] - Handler should switch to BooksResynchronizationFinished after replaying of queued incrementals
- [NETCMEFAST-392] - CODE BREAKING CHANGE: remove dialect file. Handler will construct dialect from templates file.
- [NETCMEFAST-384] - CODE BREAKING CHANGE: SocketBufferSize should be renamed to UdpSocketBufferSize
New Feature
- [NETCMEFAST-389] - Onixs.CmeFastHandler.LatencyTracking TraceSwitch
- [NETCMEFAST-387] - Direct Threading model
- [NETCMEFAST-386] - Handler.OrderBookUpdatedEventArgs.ProcessingStartedTimestamp
- [NETCMEFAST-385] - Option to check the length of the internal packet queue
- [NETCMEFAST-383] - Option to limit the size of the internal packet queue
- [NETCMEFAST-380] - Latency sample should be added to the distribution package
- [NETCMEFAST-374] - Option to configure the receiving socket buffer size