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New Feature
- [CPP-1374] - ConfirmationLogonMessageErrorException
- [CPP-1373] - UnexpectedSequenceNumberException
- [CPP-1372] - LinkErrorException
- [CPP-1371] - TimeoutException
- [CPP-1294] - Session::receivingThreadAffinity (const CpuIndex& cpuIndex)
- [CPP-1293] - Session::sendingThreadAffinity (const CpuIndex& cpuIndex)
- [CPP-1284] - char FieldSet::getChar(Tag) const
- [CPP-1263] - Field value validation
- [CPP-1246] - CODE BREAKING CHANGE: ISessionStorage::storeOutbound(const SerializedMessage&, int sequenceNumber, const RawMessagePointer& pointer) method
- [CPP-1228] - CME iLink: Mass Order Cancel support
- [CPP-1051] - FirstMessageNotLogonException
- [CPP-213] - Structured Exceptions
- [CPP-1365] - ThreadPoolSize configuration settings should be written to the log file
- [CPP-1341] - Useful getter functions for properties of Session
- [CPP-1326] - Session::preFill(..) should set SenderSubID and TargetSubID fields
- [CPP-1311] - Decimal constructor should be inline
- [CPP-1307] - FIX::Decimal compare operator
- [CPP-1305] - FIX engine version info
- [CPP-1297] - void SerializedMessage::set(SerializedFieldKey, Char)
- [CPP-1288] - SerializedFieldKey SerializedMessage::allocateKey(Tag)
- [CPP-1287] - void SerializedMessage::set(SerializedFieldRef&, Char)
- [CPP-1244] - CODE BREAKING CHANGE: SerializedMessages should be logged
- [CPP-1355] - Resource leakage in MulticastClient
- [CPP-1340] - preFill creates empty 143= but no 50 or 57
- [CPP-1335] - operator != (const Decimal&) produces wrong result
- [CPP-1325] - Session::preFill(..) creates empty fields
- [CPP-786] - scheduler-settings-1.5.xsd specifies invalid DayOfWeek values
- [CPP-1207] - In the Latency sample the order should be updated before each new send(..) call