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- [NCMMDH-124] - When using codedom, full path to referenced assembly should be specified
- [NCMMDH-121] - BREAKING CHANGES: OrderBookUpdated callbacks should be called after corresponding MatchEventIndicator received
- [NCMMDH-114] - Access to collection of order ids from trade summary
- [NCMMDH-122] - BREAKING CHANGE: .NET version 3.5 is no longer supported
New Feature
- [NCMMDH-113] - Packet class should implement IClonable interface
New Feature
- [JCMEMDH-154] - Access to collection of order ids from trade summary
- [JAVA-1081] - Add year to storage file name timestamp
- [JAVA-1064] - After sending the initial Logout message, the Iogout initiator should not send any messages (unless requested to do so by the logout acceptor)
- [JAVA-1077] - Create fix benchmark sample using MessageSending and ReceivedBytes listeners
- [JAVA-1074] - Incorrect link in Scheduler Samples section
- [JAVA-790] - Shutdowning of engine does not clear dialects
New Feature
- [JAVA-1073] - MessageSending listener for Session
- [JAVA-1072] - ReceivedBytes listener for Session
New Feature
- [DOTNET-1506] - BREAKING CHANGE: Access to the raw message buffer before sending
- [DOTNET-1487] - Ability to specify the SSL Certificate chain
- [DOTNET-1485] - The base dialect XML descriptions should be included to the distribution package
- [DOTNET-1504] - Add missed FieldSet.TryGet methods
- [DOTNET-1503] - BREAKING CHANGE: FieldSet.Fields returns only fields that belongs to current fieldset without nested repeating groups
- [DOTNET-1501] - After sending the initial Logout message, the Iogout initiator should not send any messages (unless requested to do so by the logout acceptor)
- [DOTNET-1167] - CME iLink: remove tag 48 SecurityID from all outgoing messages
- [DOTNET-615] - Threading model should be described in Programming Guide
New Feature
- [CPP-1927] - EngineSettings (const std::string& configuration)
- [CPP-1896] - BREAKING CHANGE: Access to the raw message buffer before sending
- [CPP-1884] - The base dialect XML descriptions should be included to the distribution package
- [CPP-1881] - Session::preFill (SerializedMessageBatch &)
- [CPP-1877] - Dialect description should support Component Blocks
- [CPP-1497] - Session::sendAsIs(const SerializedMessageBatch &)
- [CPP-1163] - Ability to specify the SSL Certificate chain
- [CPP-1923] - FIX Engine resends FIX messages even if an application is not subscribed to the onResendRequest(..) event
- [CPP-1910] - Batch message sending should be described in the "Low Latency Best Practices" section of the Programming Guide
- [CPP-1906] - After sending the initial Logout message, the Iogout initiator should not send any messages (unless requested to do so by the logout acceptor)
- [CPP-1100] - "Linux Signals" section should be added to Programming Guide